A New Experimental Model of Localized Candidosis for the Study of Antifungal Chemotherapy Ein neues Experimentalmodell der lokalisierten Candidose zum Studium der antifungalen Chemotherapie

Summary: A mouse model of localized candidosis in air‐filled subcutaneous cysts imitating thrush has been developed and was used to test the efficacy of various antifungal drugs. The results were similar regardless whether cortisone or cyclophosphamide was used for immunosuppression. The highest efficacy was shown by amphotericin B in relatively high doses (2mg/kg s.c.). The new triazole derivatives also showed good chemotherapeutic activity (flucona‐zole, ICI 195, 739, SDZ 89–485). Flucytosine was also highly effective despite its short half‐life. The model thus gives a valuable indication of the chemotherapeutic efficacy against Candida thrush in humans.