Orthogonal series generalized likelihood ratio test for failure detection and isolation. [for aircraft control]

A new failure detection and isolation (FDI) algorithm for linear dynamic systems is presented. This algorithm, the Orthogonal Series Generalized Likelihood Ratio (OSGLR) test, is based on the assumption that the failure modes of interest can be represented by truncated series expansions. This assumption leads to a failure detection algorithm with several desirable properties. First, the truncated series expansions can represent a large class of failure modes. Therefore, the test is robust to failure mode uncertainty. Second, the unknown coefficients of the series expansion enter the system equations linearly. Therefore, they may be estimated using a linear estimation scheme, this greatly reduces the amount of computation required relative to other GLR-based algorithms. Finally, in the continuous time case, the steady-state false-alarm rate can be approximated asymptotically as the detection threshold becomes large. Computer simulation results are presented for the detection of the failures of actuators and sensors of a C-130 aircraft. The results show that the OSGLR test generally performs as well as the GLR test in terms of time to detect a failure and is more robust to failure mode uncertainty. However, the OSGLR test is also somewhat more sensitive to modeling errors than the GLR test.

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