Predictors of seat belt use amongst Spanish drivers

Seat belt use on Spanish urban roads is very low. Surprisingly, there is very little information to explain this low level. A number of perceptions and expectancies about seat belt use were investigated to identify factors that were able to discriminate between observed seat belt use and non-use. Seat belt use was 88% for those whose journeys included travelling on the motorway, and 35% for those travelling solely on urban roads. Unbelted drivers reported that the seat belt limited their movement and was uncomfortable significantly more often than those observed to be wearing a seat belt. Seat belt use was predicted by the type of road participants had driven on (urban or motorway), beliefs about their friends' seat belt use, reported discomfort and the number of years driving experience. This research suggests the need for particular types of advertising campaigns paired with enforcement to increase seat belt use in order to save the lives of those travelling on Spanish roads.

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