Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies
Acknowledgments Ch. 1 Value Systems: The Subjective Aspect of Politics and Economics Ch. 2 Individual-Level Change and Societal-Level Change Ch. 3 Modernization and Postmodernization in 43 Societies Ch. 4 Measuring Materialist and Postmaterialist Values Ch. 5 The Shift toward Postmaterialist Values, 1970-1994 Ch. 6 Economic Development, Political Culture, and Democracy: Bringing the People Back In Ch. 7 The Impact of Culture on Economic Growth Ch. 8 The Rise of New Issues and New Parties Ch. 9 The Shift toward Postmodern Values: Predicted and Observed Changes, 1981-1990 Ch. 10 The Erosion of Institutional Authority and the Rise of Citizen Intervention in Politics Ch. 11 Trajectories of Social Change App. 1 A Note on Sampling: Figures A.1 and A.2 App. 2 Partial 1990 WVS Questionnaire, with Short Labels for Items Used in Figure 3.2 App. 3 Supplementary Figures for Chapters 3, 9, and 10 Figures A.3 (Chapter 6), A.4-A.21 (Chapter 9), A.22-A.26 (Chapter 10), and A.27 (Chapter 11) App. 4 Construction of Key Indices Used in This Book App. 5 Complete 1990 WVS Questionnaire, with Variable Numbers in ICPSR Dataset References Index