Gelcast Tooling: Net Shape Casting and Green Machining

Abstract Gelcasting is an advanced powder forming process. It is most commonly used to form ceramic or metal powders into complex, near-net shapes. Turbine rotors, gears, nozzles, and crucibles have been successfully gelcast in silicon nitride, alumina, nickel-based superalloy, and several steels. Gelcasting can also be used to make blanks that can be green machined to near-net shape and then high fired. Green machining has been successfully applied to both ceramic and metal gelcast blanks. Recently, we have used gelcasting to make toolinj; for metal casting applications. Most of the work has centered on H13 tool steel. We have demonstrated an ability to gelcast and sinter H13 to near net shape for metal casting tooling. We have also been successful in green machining gelcast blanks using a three-axis CNC milling machine.