A Review of Military Predeployment Stress Tolerance Training

Stress-induced psychological disorders and related attrition are major concerns for the U.S. Military. In fact, the Marine Corps has identified “mental toughness,” a construct including psychological resilience, among its critical competencies. In response to the psychological sequelae of exposure to stressful and potentially traumatic environments, the Services have recently implemented programs designed to promote stress tolerance. However, empirical evidence to support the efficacy of these training efforts is sorely lacking. As a result, these programs are often disjoint, cross-sectional, and delivered haphazardly. As a preliminary step toward addressing these issues, this outlines the efforts currently in use by the armed services, as well as those recommended by related communities. We present the potential shortcomings of these contemporary efforts, identify best-of-breed approaches and outcomes, and recommend next steps to improve resilience training efforts.

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