Reducing Construction Constraints using Primavera

Objectives/Background: Every successful construction project has to be completed within the budgeted cost and the scheduled time. Constraints affect the project success. Therefore, proper management is required to reduce the constraints. Methods: This study deals with the methods that reduce time and cost constraints and resource management. A construction of residential apartment is taken for this study which is undergoing a time and cost overrun. The constraints are reduced by using techniques interconnecting activities properly and increasing the resources, schedules are prepared by means of Primavera software. The cost constraints can also be reduced by managing labour resources of different categories. Results: The actual schedule of the project is considered as base schedule. The base schedule is compared with the modified schedule using techniques which helps to reduce constraints. Schedule made by the technique interconnecting activities properly gives a time difference for the completion of the project of about 5 months from the base schedule of the project. Schedule made by the combination of the both techniques shows the result of 7 months prior completion from the base schedule of the project. Further, with the management on the labour resource of skilled, unskilled male worker and unskilled female worker in the construction activities, the cost spent on the labour resources reduces by 5%. Conclusion: This study supports project manager to guide himself to control the constraints in the planning, execution process and shows the importance of proper allocation of labours of different categories.