A Generalized Multibit Recoding of Two's Complement Binary Numbers and Its Proof with Application in Multiplier Implementations

A multibit recoding algorithm for signed two's complement binary numbers is presented and proved. In general, a k+1-bit recoding will result in a signed-digit (SD) representation of the binary number in radix 2/sup k/, using digits -2/sup k-1/ to +2/sup k-1/ including 0. It is shown that a correct SD representation of the original number is obtained by scanning K+1-tuples (k>or=1) with one bit overlapping between adjacent groups. Recording of binary numbers has been used in computer arithmetic with 3-bit recoding being the dominant scheme. With the emergence of very high speed adders, hardware parallel multipliers using multibit recoding with k>2 are feasible, with the potential of improving both the performance and the hardware requirements. A parallel hardware multiplier based on the specific case of 5-bit recoding is proposed. Extensions beyond 5-bit recoding for multiplier design are studied for their performance and hardware requirements. Other issues relating to multiplier design, such as multiplication by a fixed or controlled coefficient, are also discussed in the light of multibit recoding. >