Using Interval Constrained Petri Nets for Regulation of Quality

Abstract Quality regulation methodology was developed to control and improve the product and the performance evaluation in Discrete Event Systems (DES). The same particularity may be found on process where the associated constraints do not concern the time. Thus the objective of quality regulation system is to ensure that measure a product's quality fall into ranges that are acceptable to prospective customers. The control must guarantee the values of the quality variable may or may not fall a random pattern within the limits specified. So a suitable model, rich in analytical properties, is necessary to synthesize the needed controller. This paper proposes a modelling approach of regulation quality systems with temporal and non temporal constraints. A methodology of robust control construction generating the margins of robustness is being elaborated. The methodology is based on a hybrid Petri Nets: a new modelling tool the Interval Constrained Petri Nets (ICPN) in order to evaluate the variations of the quality of tobacco and P-time Petri Nets to manage the flow type disturbance.