Right-Half-Plane Zero Elimination of Boost Converter Using Magnetic Coupling With Forward Energy Transfer

Control-to-output transfer function of the classical boost converter in continuous conduction mode contains a right-half-plane (RHP) zero that limits its frequency response. In this paper, to eliminate this zero and enhance the dynamic performance, a forward path for energy transfer to output within the on interval of the power switch is provided using the magnetic coupling. This approach simply eliminates the RHP zero by introducing an inductor coupled to the boost inductor, a diode, and a capacitor into the classical boost topology. In addition, the provided forward path enhances the voltage gain, which makes it possible to achieve a smaller operating duty cycle and reduced voltage stress for the power switch in applications with large voltage conversion ratios. Using this approach does not complicate the control structure, and a traditional single-loop voltage control scheme can be used to regulate the output voltage. The proposed approach is analytically examined by obtaining the averaged state-space model of the resulting converter, and a criterion to eliminate the RHP zero is presented. Experimental results from an implemented laboratory prototype for 48- to 200-V voltage conversion and 100-W nominal power are provided.

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