Fuzzy logic is derived from the theory of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy logic is based on approach in witch term is defined as state between logic value true and false. Fuzzy control is the application of fuzzy logic in faults diagnosis and process control where the mathematical description of the system is not possible or too complex. Fuzzy control enables implementation of human heuristic knowledge for control the system. For the fuzzy control a set of linguistic terms and rules of the experts is used. This paper presents a methodology of fuzzy control based on control of vehicle with inverted pendulum, with simulator Gunt RT 124. Purpose of the simulation is to keeping inverted pendulum in vertical position during acceleration of the vehicle. Display include a selection of input variables, compiling base of rules, defining the terms for fazzification and defazzification which determined control signal for the movement of vehicles. Simulator Gunt RT 124 is located on the Faculty of Maritime Studies, and is used in educating students regarding the application of new technologies in the maritime industry.