Wind farm operation planning using optimal yaw angle pattern (OYAP)

This paper deals with optimal operation planning to maximize the energy yield from a wind farm. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to consider the electrical parameters, such as compliance with the Grid Code, for a sufficient integration of the wind farm into the power grid. Aerodynamic issues like optimal wind turbine positioning, in order to decrease the wake-effect and maximize the energy yield, also need to be considered. This paper focuses on the aerodynamic issues regarding operation planning of large wind farms and yield maximization by the use of optimal yaw angle pattern settings within the farm. For this purpose the models of wake-effect, which play a crucial role in this task, will be characterized and an appropriate model will be selected for further analysis. Extensions will be applied to the model as needed in order to analyze the operational issues with regard to the influence of yaw angle. A discussion of these extensions will be provided. Further, the simulation results for chosen scenarios will be presented and evaluated. Initial results show that optimizing the yaw angle can improve the overall energy yield of a wind farm.