E-learning on the example of materials science

Purpose: The main aim of this article is to present the use of the Moodle educational platform in teaching Fundamentals of Materials Science and Metal Materials in the Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials at Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, and to analyse the efficacy of e-learning as the means of introducing education within a traditional model. Design/methodology/approach: This article contains the description of learning within the mixed mode, which is education embracing a face to face method and distance learning method for the first-year students. The comparison of the efficacy of mixed mode learning versus traditional learning will be presented. Findings: The efficient method of assisting remotely the e-learning students acquiring skills and knowledge at a varying pace has been developed, providing them with the personalised support. Research limitations/implications: Larger population of students should be tested so as to give measurable results, which would imply what needs to be worked on and what changes to introduce in order to improve the e-learning process. Originality/value: The course presented in this article confirms that e-learning enables the introduction of the new education formula, which may embrace advantages of traditional teaching and distance education as far as Materials Science is concerned.