Observations on the Use and Evaluation of ECII-LP Simulators for Aviation Training,
Abstract : An evaluation of the training effectiveness of ECII-LP simulators was undertaken using the participant-observer method. Comparisons were made between two aviation courses--pilot FAM which used the ECII-LPs to familiarize student pilots and instructor pilots with the T-2C aircraft, and NFO FAM which used transparencies, study guides, MTU's, and chalk boards to present familiarization training. As a result of this study the following recommendations are made: (1) Basic cockpit procedures training objectives of the FAM courses be recognized officially; (2) Completely documented training scenarios which relate simulator use to specific behavioral objectives be developed; (3) Better maintenance support be provided; (4) Improvements be made in the rear projection visual system and panel replacement; and (5) Instructor Managed Instruction procedures be adopted in order to avoid problems associated with differences in student aptitudes, skills, and experience, as well as variations in instructor delivery and organization. A summative evaluation of the ECII-LPs should be delayed until major course modifications have been made.