Cyber Kendang

"Cyber Kendang" is an interactive multi-media performance work of live computer music with live graphics. The composer develops novel musical instruments for interactive computer music as one part of composition. The new project's name - "GHI project" means that "It might be good that musical instrument shines, isn't it?" in Japanese. At the first step, the project targeted and chose "Kendang" - the traditional musical instrument of Indonesia. The name of this original instrument is "Cyber Kendang", and the title of this work is just the same, of course, this is connected to the possibilities of this new musical instrument. The center of the concept is not to play the musical instrument according to the computer, but to drive the entire acoustics and graphics by playing musical instrument (sound and light). The image of perfomer on the stage was live-captured with video camera, and processed by Max/MSP/jitter in real time. This live image became an important element of the graphics part projected from the projectors with pre-produced movies.