Proceedings of the Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Assistant (5th) Held in Liverpool, New York on 24-28 September 1990
Abstract : This report contains the proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference on the Knowledge-Based Software Assistant sponsored by the Directorate of Command and Control at Rome Laboratory (formerly Rome Air Development Center). This conference was held at the Sheraton Convention Center in Liverpool, New York, from 24 through 28 September 1990. This annual conference provides a forum for exchanging technical and managerial views on the progress of the Rome Laboratory program for developing a knowledge-based life cycle paradigm for large software projects, the Knowledge Based Software Assistant. The KBSA will provide intelligent assistance to system builders in producing quality mission-critical computer resources (MCCR). Software developed using the KBSA is expected to be more responsive to changing requirements, more reliable, and more revisable than software produced using current practices. The KBSA will improve software practices by providing machine-mediated support to decision makers, formalizing the processes associated with software development and project management, and providing a corporate memory for projects. The KBSA will utilize artificial intelligence, automatic programming, knowledge-based engineering, and software environment technology to achieve the goal of providing an integrated environment for developing MCCR systems.