Shear wave splitting and subcontinental mantle deformation

splitting observations are interpreted in terms of the strain-induced lattice preferred orientation of mantle minerals, especially olivine. We consider three hypotheses concerning the origin of the continental anlsotropy: (1) strain associated with absolute plate motion, as in the oceanic upper mantle, (2) crustal stress, and (3) the past and present internal deformation of the subcontinental upper mantle by tectonic episodes. It is found that the last hypothesis is the most successful, namely that the most recent significant episode of internal deformation appears to be the best predictor of q. For stable continental regions, this is interpreted as "fossil" anisotropy, whereas for presently active regions, such as Alaska, the anisotropy reflects present-day tectonic activity. In the stable portion of North America there is a good correlation between delay time and lithospheric thickness; this is consistent with the anisotropy being localized in the subcontinental lithosphere and suggests that intrinsic anisotropy is approximately constant. The acceptance of this hypothesis has several implications for subcontinental mantle deformation. First, it argues for coherent deformation of the continental lithosphere (crust and mantle) during orogenies. This implies that the anisotropic portion of the lithosphere was present since the deformational episode and rules out the addition of undeformed material to this layer by subsequent "underplating" or conductive growth of the thermal boundary layer. One of the most important issues in the study of orogenies is the need to reconcile the formation of thickened lithosphere with the paradoxically high mantle temperatures often associated with orogenic episodes. Most efforts to date have focussed on modes of deformation whereby the cold lithospheric mantle is removed (by convective instability or delamination) and replaced by warm asthenosphere. These models, however, are incompatible with the evidence for preserved coherent lithospheric deformation; rather, the deformed mantle appears to have been heated in place. We suggest that the elevated mantle temperatures may be due to the strain heating accompanying the deformation.

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