Analytical Use of Fluorescent Probes in Oncology

In Vivo Spectroscopy and Imaging: Fluorescence: Lifetime-based Sensing in Tissues and Other Random Media with Measurement of Photon Migration E. Sevich-Muraca. Multidrug Resistance: Multidrug Resistance and Flow Cytometry: Going beyond Pglycoprotein D. Hedley. Apoptosis: The Detection of Apoptotic Cells and Their Quantification by Flow Cytometry. Adhesion: Prognostic and Biological Implications of CD44 Isoform Expression in Aggressive NonHodgkin's Lymphoma M. Shipp. Cyclins/Cell Cycle: Cancer: A Disease of the Cell Cycle K. Keyomarsi. Fluorescence Imaging and Immunofluorescence: Localization and Selectivity of Anthracyclines in Cardiac Muscle Cells: Relevance of Charge and Lipophilicity to Multidrug Resistance T.J. Lampidis. Fluorescence Probing of Cytoskeleton: Probing of Microtubule Structures with Monoclonal Antibodies and Immunofluorescence Microscopy P. Draber. Fluorescence and Gene Expression: Cell Expression System in V79 Cells Transfected with cyt P450 and Its Performance in Metabolism of Drugs J. Doehmer. Metabolic Control Mechanisms in Living Cells: Fluorescence Probes. New Methods. Cytoskeleton Probes. Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Photochemotherapy. Poster Presentations. 43 additional articles. Index.