Promotion of Sustainable Sanitation in Six Villages of Banka District, Bihar Social Work

Now a day, “WASH” is a burning issue which needs better attention in the 12th five year plan where engagement of civil society organization can boost up the implementation process in collaboration with existing line departments. More concentration is required in community awareness on ‘WASH’ component through Community mobilization and behavioural change communication instead of installation the subsidiary latrine. A long experience in related field, Research team has able to contribute & raise community awareness in order to make people recognize where health problems originate and how to better sanitation by their own action with a wide range of activities in a collaborative effort with many partners including families, communities, government and like-minded organizations. The Government already adopted a “demand driven” approach with the name “Total Sanitation Campaign” (TSC) with effect from 1999. Now, the concept of sanitation has been expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal named as Nirmal Bharat Abhijan (NBA). This revised approach emphasized more on Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to increase awareness among the rural people and generation of demand for sanitary facilities. The involvement of Ngo will add an extra value for making the programme ‘community led’ and ‘people centered’. But, intensive awareness generation of VWSC, Sahiya and other service providers will be helpful to enhance their knowledge & skill as community level as Motivator and Mobilizer. Involvement of subject matter specialist will definitely penetrate into the grass root level for greater community participation.Commitment on water and sanitation: MDG 7, which aims to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. But those who die are by no means the only children affected. Many millions more have their development disrupted and their health undermined by diarrhea or water-related disease. Water and sanitation are vital in themselves, but they are also key prerequisites for reducing child and maternal mortality (MDG 4 and 5) and combating diseases (MDG 6). And they are key to reducing child under nutrition (MDG 1) and achieving universal primary education (MDG 2). Girls, especially, are likely to spend more time in school when they spend less time fetching water and when adequate sanitation facilities are available on school grounds. Water and sanitation programs is to prevent diarrheal diseases, especially in children and adolescent, mitigate environmental factors that contribute to negative health effects and improving quality and quantity of water, in addition to improve hygiene practices. Research goal of this component is to increase access to portable water and sanitation by access to hardware and promoting better hygiene behavior. Access to hardware refers to core equipment and supplies that are provided either at the household level or within communities. Hardware includes community water systems, sanitation facilities and household level technologies and materials. Hygiene promotion relates to the software that accompanies the supplied hardware. Hygiene promotion includes behavioral/social change methods for achieving success such as: community mobilization and communication strategies, social marketing, school programs and community participation in problem identification and solutions.