Knowledge intensive design technology : IFIP TC5/WG5.2 Fifth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, July 23-25, 2002, St. Julians, Malta
Preface. Part One: KIC Development Approaches. Towards Agent-Based Product Modelling J.S. Gero, U. Kannengiesser. On a Grammar-Based Design Language That Supports Automated Design Generation and Creativity R. Alber, S. Rudolph. Preliminary Design Support for Mechanical Products Based on Functional Requirements and Modular Concepts Using Genetic Algorithms M. Matsuda, Y. Naoda, F. Kimura. Part Two: Knowledge Systemisation. Features in Knowledge Intensive CAD: Roles & Types D.C. Brown. A Methodology to Acquire and Formalise Process Knowledge for Technology Innovation: An Industrial Application C. Rizzi, D. Ruozi, N. Gherri. LCA Related Interactive Knowledge Visualisation for Product Design H.E. Otto, K.G. Mueller, F. Kimura. Engineering Index R.M. Dolin, J.M. Booker, C.L. Faust, M.S. Hamada, B.J. Reardon. Part Three: Prototype KIC Systems. Knowledge Intensive 'Paper-based' Form Sketching P.J. Farrugia, J.C. Borg, K.P. Camilleri, D. Scicluna, Xiu T.Yan, J. Muscat. Design Knowledge Management Based on a Model of Synthesis Y. Nomaguchi, T. Tomiyama. Use of Knowledge Intensive CAD (KIC) in Virtual Product Validation D.C.Y. Yip, H.M.C. Law, K.K.P. Cheng, F.K.H. Lau. Design Context Knowledge Based Proactive Support for Component Design Xiu-Tian Yan, F. Rehman, J.C. Borg. Author index. Keyword index.