Performance analysis of MIMO-OFDM systems with SIC detection based on single-RF with convolutional code

As the development of wireless communicationstechnology, the requirement to provide high speed data services and wide bandwidth increases. MIMO-OFDM (Multi Input Multi Output — Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) can provide greater information capacity and provide the quality of high-speed information in real time on a better multipath fading channel. The large number of antenna in MIMOsystemresulted inpowerbeingconsumed increasingly large. The antenna system with Single Radio Frequency energy that can streamline lower cost. The combination of MIMO-OFDM basedsingle RF produces modern technology for the development of telecommunications in thefuture. In this paper, research and analysis on performance of MIMO systems SIC-based detection usingasingle RF using convolutional code. This analysis is done by creating a simulation of MATLAB programs. The modulation technique used is QAM modulation. Channel model that will be used in this simulation is Rayleigh fading with added noise AWGN. The detector used in this system is the SIC (Successive Interference Cancellation). Channel estimation is performed using the MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error). By having this information channel estimation of channel can be known for the sake of achievement of a high transmission rate and goodquality. The result of this paper is the resulting performance of the system is expressed in the form of the curve of BER as a function of SNR with the amount of different modulation curve and the channel estimations that are displayed with the estimated magnitude and phase curves to change index subcarrier.