Magallanes: 3D navigation for everybody

Although the problem of wayfinding in virtual worlds has been studied in several works, it still remains as one of the main limitations of using 3d worlds in internet. This paper presents a VRML prototype, called Magallanes, that can be added to any new or existent 3D scene to help users in 3D navigation. The designer can define both viewpoints as usual and also virtual tours as connections between viewpoints. The prototype automatically generates a graphical user interface added to the scene that facilitates the selection of places of interest. When the user selects a destination, the prototype automatically finds the optimal navigation path from the avatar position to the destination, by applying the A* algorithm to the graph of viewpoints. Afterwards, the camera is animated following the generated path. One of Magallanes' novelties is that the viewpoints and connections can not only be added by prototype instantiation, but also can be dynamically done while the user navigates. Although Magallanes can be used to help any user to navigate a VRML scene, we find it particularly useful for persons with hands disabilities to whom 3D navigation with a conventional mouse may become almost impossible. Magallanes was tested in combination with a visual-based interface that captures facial gestures and head movement to control the mouse.