An Inventory of Student Computer Anxiety.

Coupled with this increase in the number of computers in schools is a concurrent increase in students' involvement in computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and computer-assisted guidance systems. Several studies (Jordan & Stroup, 1982; Maurer, 1983; Rohner & Simonson, 1981) have established that individuals often exhibit a complex array of emotional reactions (including fear) in situations requiring the use of computers. Furthermore, these fears and apprehensions, defined by Maurer (1983) as computer anxiety , may occur even when the situations pose no immediate or real threat. The reality of computer anxiety in students also was noted in the computer literacy objectives developed by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium's (MECC) Computer Literacy Project and reported by Klassen (1983). Two of the core objectives developed in the MECC project were (a) students not developing feelings of anxiety from computing experiences and (b) the students feeling confident about their computer abilities. Students experiencing computer anxiety may avoid interacting with computers in any setting and thereby eliminate current educational opportunities and possible future career choices. Therefore, it is important for counselors to be able to identify students who experience fears and apprehensions regarding computers. The purpose of this article is to describe the development of an instrument designed to identify computer-anxious students in Grades 4-8 as well as to provide counselors with information on how to use the instrument. A discussion follows regarding the use of computers in schools including a rationale for counselor involvement in this educational trend.