[Behavioral manifestations induced by electric stimulation of the anterior cingulate gyrus in man].

The electrical stimulation of a restricted part of area 24 in awake man elicits important behavioral changes. The present study is dealing with 83 epileptic patients whose brain activity was recorded in SEEG conditions, with a view to possible neurosurgery. In order to determine how seizures originate and propagate, 116 multileads electrodes (65 right, 51 left) were stereotaxically inserted in the anterior part of the cingular gyrus. 521 stimulations were performed. In 362 cases, this stimulation induced a particular behaviour which was characterized by an arousal, motor activities (involving fingers and hand, mouth, legs, eyes, associated movements of hand mouth, highly integrated movements), thymic modifications and hallucinatory manifestations. Topographical organization of the effective area in the cingular gyrus and the relation between the electrical responses and stimulation parameters are studied.