Equivalent lightness of colored objects of equal munsell chroma and of equal munsell value at various illuminances

Equivalent lightness was determined for 26 colored surfaces by heterochromatic brightness matching with a grey scale. The illuminance for observation was varied from 0.01 to 1000 lx to cover scotopic, mesopic, and photopic vision, and the equivalent lightness-versus-log illuminance curve was obtained for every stimulus. The shape of the curves did not change if the surfaces had the same Munsell hue and chroma. It differed significantly if they had different hues or different chroma. The curves were interpreted in terms of achromatic lightness and chromatic lightness, which are both subject to change with illuminance level. The achromatic lightness was assumed to follow the Purkinje shift and the chromatic lightness monotonically increased with illuminance. The chromatic lightness was larger for larger Munsell chroma within a single hue.