Effect of Internet on Arab Societies

The Internet affects the behavior of the young generations; it causes a mixture of virtual publicity, amentia and idiopathy. Internet addicts suffer some radiation defects due to their long sessions, this may result in blood ionization, leukemia or eye cataract. The paper presents a statistical study on health engineering concerning the effects of Internet on the Arab Society. It presents also some guidelines for a better Internet use. Internet handles data among hosts in different sites. Information transfer via Internet results in technology evolution and economy developments. Internet handles e- commerce, educational sites, e-mail, chat, data transfer, etc.,; it can handle twitters, virus and spam. The use of Internet doubles annually. Many statistics were developed to evaluate the usability of Internet. The next sections explore statistical studies about Internet users, the harms and benefits of Internet, wireless Internet and their harms, and explore a regional study for Internet users in Egypt.