TANAP Projesinin Ekonomik Ve Stratejik Sonucları (Economic and Strategic Expectations of Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project)

Azerbaycan Cumhuriyyeti eski Sovyetler Birliyinin petrol ve dogal gaz bakimdan zengin ulkelerinden biridir.Sah Deniz projesinin ikinci etapindan sonra cikarilacak dogal gazin hacminin artmasi Azerbaycani kendine ozgu gaz politikasi olusturmaga itti.Bu yonde onemli bir proje Baku-Ceyhan petrol boru hattindan sonra TANAP projesidir.Bu proje Turkiye uzerinden Avrupa pazarlarina Azerbaycan dogal kazinin cikarilmasi amaclidir.!7 Ekim 2011 yilinda 3.Kara Deniz Enerji ve Ekonomi Forumunda on analasmasi imzalanan bu projeye 2014 yilinda baslanib 2018 yilinda bitirilmesi amaclanir.Proje kapsaminda 7 milyar yatirimla 2023 yilinda 23 mlr metrekup 2026 yilinda ise 31 milyar metrekup dogal gaz ihraci kapasetiesine ulasacaktir. Bu calismada TANAP projesinin stratejik ve ekonomik sonuclari arastirilmistir.The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the oil and gas rich countries of the former Soviet Union. After the second stage of the Shah Deniz gas field, natural gas extraction and exportation became one of the key elements of Azerbaijan’s oil and gas strategy. Diversification of the oil and gas transportation has a great importance in Azerbaijan’s energy security policy and in this regard, TANAP is an important project after Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. TANAP is a proposed natural gas pipeline project to transport Azerbaijani natural gas through Turkey to Europe in two directions. The project was firstly announced on 17 November 2011 at the Third Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum in Istanbul. It was launched in 2014 and will be expected to finish in 2018. TANAP will cost seven billion USD and will have the capacity of 23 billion cubic meters by 2023 and 31 billion cubic meters by 2026. This paper analyzes expected strategic and economic outcomes of TANAP.