Lawyers and the rule of law in an era of globalization

1. "Introduction: Lawyers, Law, and Society" Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth Part 1: Law Embedded in Social Capital and Converted into Legal and Political Capital 2. "Greasing the Squeaky Wheel of Justice: Lawyers, Social Networks and Dispute Processing in Venezuela" Manuel A. Gomez 3. "Lawyers, Political Embeddedness, and Institutional Continuity in China's Transition from Socialism" Ethan Michelson 4. "The Classic Model and its Transformation" Maria Malatesta Part 2: Imported Know-How and Local Know-Who 5. "Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Argentina. Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Transformation of the National Legal Field" Virginia Vecchioli 6. Criminal Procedure Reform in Chile: New Agents and the Restructuring of a Field." Daniel Palacios Munoz 7. "The US and the EU in East European Legal Reform"Ole Hammerslev 8. "Judicial Reform and the Transnational Construction of the Rule of Law in Latin America: The Return of Law and Development" Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito Part 3: Testing Rule-of-Law Hypotheses in the Context of the Largest Asian Economies 9. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, "The Reform of the Profession of Lawyers in Japan: Impact on the Role of Law" Kaywah Chan 10. Hanyang University, Korea, "The Democratization and Internationalization of Korean Legal Field" Seong-Hyun Kim 11. Oxford/La Trobe, "Searching for Political Liberalism in all the Wrong Places: The Legal Profession in China as the Leading Edge of Political Reform?" Randall Peerenboom 12. "Conclusion. How to Convert Social Capital into Legal Capital and Transfer Legitimacy Across the Major Practice Divide" Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth