A Shared Framework of Virtual Reality

The problem in trying to pin down or provide a universally acceptable definition of virtual reality is that it is still evolving. Virtual reality comes in many guises for which there is no dominant paradigm. This is in contrast to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) employing direct manipulation techniques through input interactive devices: keyboard and mouse. In response to fundamental questions, such as "What is virtual reality?", "What makes virtual reality different from other computer generated graphical systems, for example: GUIs, CAD, and drawing and modelling systems?", "If a sense of presence and immersion can be obtained from other media, such as, cinema and television, what is it that distinguishes virtual reality from these media?" a mixed and varied collection of answers would be given from researchers, academics and practitioners of virtual reality. Presented in this paper is a simple and effective framework that helps to identify common features, attributes and concepts of virtual reality, that distinguish it from other computerbased systems and media. This framework may provide a collective understanding of virtual reality that will help to foster an informed and shared language and which may help to guide future research.