Tzotzil Clause Structure

1: Grammatical Notes.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Basics.- 3. Major Lexical Classes.- 3.1. V.- 3.2. N.- 3.3. A.- 3.3.1. Quantifiers.- 3.3.2. Existentials and Locatives.- 4. Minor Lexical Classes.- 4.1. Clitics.- 4.1.1. Clause-proclitic.- 4.1.2. S-enclitic.- 4.1.3. V-enclitic.- 4.1.4. Clause-second.- 4.2. Directionals.- 4.3. Particles.- 5. Flagging.- 6. Word Order.- 7. Construction Survey.- 7.1. Negation.- 7.2. Questions.- 7.3. Complement Clauses.- 7.4. Motion cum Purpose.- 7.5. Topics.- 7.6. Prepredicate Position.- Notes.- 2: Theoretical Sketch.- 1. Arcs.- 1.1. Sets of Grammatical Relations.- 1.2. Stratum.- 1.3. Ergative and Absolutive.- 1.4. Formal Connections between Arcs.- 2. Sponsor and Erase.- 2.1. Successors.- 2.2. Replacers.- 2.3. Self-Sponsor and Self-Erase.- 3. Ancestral Relations.- 4. Pair Networks.- 5. Resolution of Overlapping Arcs.- 6. Coordinate Determination.- 7. Rules and Laws.- 8. Word Order.- 9. APG Versions of RG Laws.- 9.1. Stratal Uniqueness Law.- 9.2. Chomeur Law and Motivated Chomage Law.- 9.3. Relational Succession Law and Host Limitation Law.- 9.4. Final 1 Law.- Notes.- 3: Inflection and Agreement.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Moods and Aspects.- 2.1. Neutral Aspect.- 2.2. Incompletive Aspect.- 2.3. Completive Aspect.- 2.4. Perfect Aspect.- 3. Cross-referencing Person.- 3.1. Set A Affixes.- 3.2. Set B Affixes.- 3.3. Imperative Suffixes.- 4. Cross-referencing Number.- 4.1. First Person.- 4.2. Second and Third Person.- 5. The Optionality of Number Agreement.- 6. Agreement and Covert Arguments.- 7. APG Account of Agreement.- 7.1. Agreement Laws.- 7.2. Tzotzil Agreement Rules.- Notes.- 4: Passive Clauses.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Syntax of Passive Clauses.- 2.1. Advancement to Subject.- 2.2. Passive Suffixes.- 2.2.1. -e: Monosyllabic Stems.- 2.2.2. -bil: Passive Perfects.- 3. Tzotzil Passive Rules (APG).- 3.1. Passive Chomeurs.- 3.2. The Form of Chomeurs.- 3.2.1. Possessor of Relational Noun.- 3.2.2. Object of Preposition.- 3.2.3. Passive Chomeur Rule.- 3.3. Passive Suffixes.- 3.4. Other Passive Rules.- Notes.- 5: Reflexive Clauses.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Reflexive Clauses.- 3. Reciprocal Coreference.- 4. Tzotzil Rules (APG).- 4.1. Lower Pioneer.- 4.2. Conditions on Reflexives.- Notes.- 6: Unaccusative Clauses.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Reflexive Unaccusative Clauses.- 3. Plain Unaccusative Clauses.- 3.1. Bivalent Stems.- 3.2. Morphological Properties of Bivalent Stems.- 3.2.1. Perfect.- 3.2.2. Subjunctive.- 4. Verb Classification.- 5. Tzotzil Rules (APG).- Notes.- 7: Ditransitive Clauses.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Ditransitive Clauses.- 3. 3-to-2 Advancement.- 3.1. Agreement.- 3.2. Ditransitive Passives.- 3.3. Ditransitive Reflexives.- 4. Non-Existence of Final Indirect Objects.- 5. Restrictions on Advancement.- 5.1. Chomage Condition.- 5.2. Person Restriction.- 6. Ditransitive Perfect Passives.- 7. Tzotzil Rules (APG).- 7.1. 3-to-2 Advancement.- 7.2. Ditransitive Passives.- 7.3. Ditransitive Reflexives.- 8. Conclusion.- Notes.- 8: Possessor Ascension.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Possessor Ascension.- 2.1. Agreement.- 2.2. Passive.- 2.3. Reflexives.- 3. Coreference Condition 1.- 4. Restriction on Ascension Host.- 5. Tzotzil Possessor Ascension Rule.- 6. The Unique 3 Arc Constraint.- 7. Optional Cases of Possessor Ascension.- 7.1. First and Second Person Possessors.- 7.2. Non-Pronominal Possessors.- 8. Coreference Condition 2.- 9. Possessor Ascension in Discourse.- 10. APG Laws and Tzotzil Rules.- 10.1. Possessor Ascension.- 10.2. Other Rules.- 11. Conclusion.- Notes.- 9: Topic, Focus, and Copy Possessor Ascension.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Distinguishing Topic and Focus.- 3. Surface Constituency in Possessor Ascension Structures.- 3.1. Evidence from other Extraction Structures.- 3.2. Other Resolutions of Possessor Ascension.- 4. Topic and Focus.- 4.1. Topicalization.- 4.2. Focus.- 5. Copy and Coreferential Pronouns.- 6. APG Laws and Tzotzil Rules.- 6.1. Possessor Ascension and the Successor Erase Law.- 6.2. Surface Constituency in Possessor Ascension Structures.- 6.3. Coreference Rule.- 6.4. Topic and Focus.- 6.4.1. Overlay Relations.- 6.4.2. Tzotzil Constraints.- 6.5. Conclusion.- Notes.- 10: Surrogate Agreement.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Possessor Ascension.- 3. Conjunct Union.- 3.1. -chi7uk.- 3.1.1. xchi7uk as Conjunction.- 3.1.2. -chi7uk as Predicate.- 3.1.3. xchi7uk as Flag.- 3.2. Conjunct Union.- 3.3. Reflexive Conjunct Union.- 3.4. Indefinite Comitatives.- 4. Summary.- 5. APG Laws and Tzotzil Rules.- 5.1. Conjunct Union.- 5.2. Conjunct Union Law.- 5.3. Tzotzil Conjunct Union Rules.- 5.4. Reflexive Conjunct Union.- 5.5. Surrogate Agreement.- 6. Conclusion.- Notes.- 11: Clause Unions.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Causative Clause Union.- 2.1. Evidence for Initial Biclausal Structure.- 2.2. Evidence for Union: Complement Subject.- 2.2.1. Interaction with Passive.- 2.2.2. Interaction with Possessor Ascension.- 2.3. Evidence for Union: Complement Direct Object.- 2.3.1. Chomeur Restriction.- 2.3.2. Reflexive Restriction.- 2.4. Advancements in the Complement.- 2.5. Conclusion.- 3. Abilitative Clause Union.- 3.1. Analysis.- 3.2. Unaccusative Complement.- 3.3. Initial Biclausal Structure.- 3.4. Final Monoclausal Structure.- 3.5. Further Remarks on Inflection.- 3.6. Interaction with Possessor Ascension.- 4. Summary.- 5. APG Laws and Tzotzil Rules.- Notes.- 12: Quantification and Initial Absolutives.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Quantifiers.- 3. Prepredicate Quantifiers without Classifier.- 3.1. Monotransitive Clauses.- 3.2. Ditransitive Clauses.- 3.3. Reflexive Clauses.- 4. Prepredicate Quantifiers with Classifier.- 5. Postpredicate Quantifiers.- 6. Grammatical Relations versus Linear Order.- 6.1. Binding Ergatives in Reflexive Clauses.- 6.2. Pima Quantifier Binding.- 7. Conclusion.- Notes.- Conclusion.- Phonological Rules.- 1. Deletion of Stem-initial Glottal Stop.- 2. Deletion of Prevocalic A3 Prefix.- 3. Neutral Aspect Marker.- 4. Spirant Assimilation.- 5. Contraction.- 6. Geminate Reduction.- 7. Vowel Deletion.- 7.1. Transitive Imperative.- 7.2. -be.- References.