The Evolution of the U.S. Heat Pump Market

The heating and cooling equipment market in the United States (U.S.) evolved in the last two decades affected by the housing market and external market conditions. The average home size increased by 25% since 1999, contributing to increased average equipment size of heat pumps (HPs) and air conditioners (ACs). The home size increase did not correlate with higher residential energy used. The last decade is recognized for improved home insulation and equipment efficiency, which has made up for the larger home size and still yielded lower residential energy use. The lower energy use coincides with more homes using HPs. HP growth was supported by the price stability and affordability of electricity. The heating and cooling equipment market also seems to be rebounding faster than the housing market after the economic crises. In 2009 only 22% of HPs were sold to new homes, reflecting increased heat pump sales for add-on and replacement applications. HPs are growing in popularity and becoming an established economic technology. The increased usage of HPs will result in reduced residential heating energy use and carbon dioxide emissions.