iStar in Practice: On the Identification of Reusable SD Context Models Elements

Modern enterprises rely on Information Systems (IS) required both to support their operation and provide information required to endorse strategic de- cisions. Because of their increasing complexity, such systems are usually con- structed by integrating software components of different nature and origins into hybrid systems, for which architectural design plays a fundamental role. How- ever, far from simple, this task is usually cumbersome. In previous work we have addressed this issue and proposed a four steps, pattern-based approach, aimed to help in the solution of this problem. In first steps, patterns are described as Con- text Models, which include recurring elements (actors and dependencies) identi- fied in several industrial cases. In this work we further address this issue and present an study aimed at the validation and extension of such patterns, and/or the identification of new ones, by reviewing recurring elements appearing in 29 semi-industrial IS architectural design processes.