Working images: Visual research and representation in ethnography

1. Introduction: Situating Visual Research Section 1: Visual Fieldwork Methods 2. Video and Ethnographic Knowledge: Skilled Vision in the Practice of Breeding 3. Photography in the Field: Word and Image in Ethnographic Research 4. Picture Perfect: Community and Commemoration in Photographs 5. New Graphics for Old Stories Representation of Local Memories Through Drawings 6. Imagework in Ethnographic Research Section 2: Representing Visual Knowledge 7. Putting Film to Work: Observational Cinema as Practical Ethnography 8. Revealing the Hidden: Making Anthropological Documentaries 9. Drawing the Lines: The Limitations of Intercultural Ekphrasis 10. In the Net: Ethnographic Photography 11. Conversing with Anthropology: Words, Images and Hypermedia Text 12. The Representation of Cultures in Digital Media Epilogue 13. Working Images