Effectiveness of Red-Light Cameras

Red-light cameras at signalized intersections are being used in many communities to assist and facilitate law enforcement against red-light running. This article examines the effectiveness of red-light cameras at reducing the rate of violations as well as the level and severity of intersection-related crashes. The results of many different evaluations are summarized. Although the evaluations differ in sample size, type of intersection and evaluation methods, several trends emerge. The findings suggest that if installed at locations with significant red-light running crashes and/or violations, red-light cameras substantially reduce red-light violation rates and reduce crashes that result from red-light running. They usually reduce right-angle collisions, but may increase rear-end collisions. Although they may not reduce total crashes, they usually are effective at reducing crash severity. Although red-light cameras can aid enforcement, they should not be seen as a substitute for proper traffic engineering of signalized intersections.