국가역량체계(NQF) 기반 전문대학 호텔식음료분야 교과과정 운영방안에 관한 연구

This research aims to find out the industry customized hotel food and beverage operation program at college level by applying National Qualification Frame(NQF). This research presents a theoretical research of overall review of NQF, specific NQF information of Accommodation Service, current college programs of hotel management course in Korea and identifying some representative subjects among the selected colleges. For the purpose of the empirical study, focus group interview has been conducted with 11 industrial specialists and 5 academic professors who have hotel industry experience. As results of the analysis, the industry customized hotel food and beverage operation program has been suggested basis on the NQF after careful review of 16 specialists. Also some practical ideas are suggested such as government roles on this issue and association with qualification system.