How do drivers choose a travel speed? Implications for speed management strategies in Australia
Speeding remains a major contributor to trauma on our roads, held to be a major factor in around one-third of fatal crashes and over 10 percent of all crashes (Bowie & Walz, 1994; Fildes & Lee, 1993). This study reviewed speed management strategies and key factors that should be considered through a comprehensive review of the literature. One of the most frequently used methods of managing travel speeds is the posted speed limit. The primary purpose of the speed limit is to advise drivers of the maximum reasonable and safe operating speed under favourable conditions, therefore considered to be a road safety measure. Further, speed limits are designed to be (i) related to crash risk, (ii) provide a reasonable basis for enforcement, (iii) fair in the context of traffic law, and (iv) accepted as reasonable by most road users. Traditional approaches to setting speed limits (e.g. engineering approach using the 85th percentile speed) are compared with an alternative view to setting speed limits: the Safe System...