Synthesis of mycorrhizae between protocorms of Goodyera repens (Orchidaceae) and Ceratobasidium cereale
Seeds of Goodyera repens were germinated on cellulose agar in the presence of Ceratobasidium cereale. Many seeds germinated to form protocorms, which were colonized by fungal hyphae. Hyphae were common around the suspensor and epidermal hairs. Newly colonized protocorm cells contained intact hyphae with few vacuoles and many mitochondria. Hyphae were separated from protocorm cell cytoplasm by matrix materials and the protocorm cell plasma membrane. Hyphae underwent progressive vacuolation and eventual lysis. Degenerating hyphae stained faintly with cellufluor, whereas degenerated hyphae and hyphal clumps stained intensely. Clumps of degenerated hyphae were isolated from protocorm cell cytoplasm by the plasma membrane and an aniline blue positive layer, which is most likely callose. Protocorm cells containing isolated clumped hyphae were frequently recolonized by hyphae.