Improvements in GeTe-Based Inline Phase-Change Switch Technology for RF Switching Applications

An inline chalcogenide phase-change radiofrequency (RF) switch using germanium telluride and driven by an integrated, electrically isolated thin-film heater for thermal actuation has been fabricated. A voltage pulse applied to the heater terminals was used to transition the phase-change material between the crystalline and amorphous states. An ON-state resistance of 0.9Ω (0.027 Ω-mm) with an OFF-state capacitance and resistance of 14.1 fF and 0.5 MΩ, respectively, were measured resulting in an RF switch cutoff frequency (Fco) of 12.5 THz and an OFF/ON resistance ratio of 10 5 . The output third-order intercept point measured 68 dBm, with zero power consumption during steady-state operation, making it a non-volatile RF switch.