Feeding larval red drum on microparticulate diets in a closed recirculating water system

A feeding protocol was developed for red drum larvae based on combining a commercial microparticulate diet (Kyowa Fry Feed) with live prey (rotifers) in a closed, water reuse system. In five trials, growth and survival were measured on larvae reared on a combination of live and microdiet for 1–5 d and then microdiet alone. Results in each trial were compared to control larvae reared on live rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and brine shrimp nauplii Artemia salinas. The most satisfactory combination was feeding live food and microdiet together for the first five days and then completely discontinuing live prey, eliminating the need to feed brine shrimp to the larvae. Growth rates of larvae fed progressively larger sizes of the microdiet were as good as larvae reared on live prey. Both groups metamorphosed to the juvenile stage at less than one month. Survival rates on the five day live food and microdiet combination were a remarkable 60% from egg to the juvenile stage. The successful weaning of red drum to microdiets paves the way to produce a semipurified diet to test nutrient requirements of larval fish.

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