Rapid screening of biologically modified vegetable oils for fuel performance
A process for the rapid screening of alternative diesel fuel performance was applied to analogues of
genetically modified vegetable oils and a mixture with no. 2 diesel fuel. The oils examined contained 60 to 80% of low
molecular weight, short-chain, saturated triglycerides compared to the 1 to 2% found in traditional vegetable oils. These
oils have relatively low viscosity that is predicted to enhance their performance as alternative diesel fuels. The screening
process utilizes an engine “torque test” sequence that accelerates the tendency of diesel fuels to coke fuel injectors, a key
indicator of fuel performance. The results of the tests were evaluated using a computer vision system for the rapid
quantification of injector coking. The results of the screen were compared to those using no. 2 diesel fuel as a baseline.
Coke deposition from the modified vegetable oil analogues was not found to be significantly different than deposition from
diesel fuel. Suggestions are made to guide further modification of vegetable oil biosynthesis for the production of
alternative diesel fuel.