Detection of Respiratoiry Tract Viruses in Busan, 1997~2002

Respiratory virus is one of the most infectious agents in human. Six different respiratory tract viruses were detected from Busan while working on the preventive surveillance in 1997-2002. The isolation rate from suspected specimens were 8.1%. Influenza virus A, B type, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, mumps virus, and measles virus were isolated from throat swabs, serum, and secretions of patients. and IgG were shown and outbreaks of measles were confirmed. Different antigenic types of influenza virus were detected every year, one outbreak of parainfluenza in 1999, mumps outbreak in 1999 and 2000, and incidence of measles in 2000 and 2001 were noticeable. Monthly outbreaks were November through following March with influenza virus, January through June with adenovirus, February through May and December with mumps, April through August and November, December with measles, respectively. The size of isolated viruses were 130 nm with influenza virus B type, non-enveloped, icosahedron with 70 nm with adenovirus, 170 nm with mumps virus and 180 nm with parainfluenza virus in diameter, respectively.