This chapter outlines the usability activity in Japan. It starts from the historical overview of usability in Japan by adding referential information on the Japanese society including geographical characteristics, society, history and culture, then explains about the overview of usability activities in Japan focusing on the influence of ISO13407, web usability and universal design. Activities in industry and academia are then introduced with some examples of projects including the activity of HCD-Net, the web usability of government web site, and the certification of HCD professionals that were conducted recently. In addition to the concluding remarks, the relationship to the Kansei engineering and the current concern to the user experience are discussed.
Alan Cooper,et al.
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity (2nd Edition)
Jakob Nielsen,et al.
Chapter 4 – The Usability Engineering Lifecycle
Daisuke Sato,et al.
Trends in Usability Research and Activities in Japan
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact..
Karen Holtzblatt,et al.
Contextual design
A. Strauss,et al.
The Discovery of Grounded Theory
John M. Carroll,et al.
Scenario-based design: envisioning work and technology in system development: john wiley & sons