ABSTRACT: The importance of estimating peak water demands for determining the dimensions of pipe size and meters which provide household water to multifamily residences is examined. Several methods utilized in North America and Europe are examined. The analysis makes clear the necessity of studying the peak water demand through statistics based on local data concerning multifamily residences. For different periods of return, the peak demand of a given apartment building is related to its size (the number of apartments) in order to compare the results obtained with existing formula.
By use of Ridge-regression technique, the relationship between peak water demand, and building size (number of apartments) and available pressure is established. It can be concluded that peak demand can be estimated with the square root of number of apartment units in the building and the cube root of water pressure.
John L. Roberts.
Applications of Two Osculatory Formulas
B. Bobée,et al.
Correction of bias in the estimation of the coefficient of skewness
Bernard Bobée,et al.
Demande en eau des résidences: analyse statistique des débits de pointe.
G. W. Snedecor.
Statistical Methods
B. Bobée,et al.
The use of the Pearson type 3 and log Pearson type 3 distributions revisited
B. Bobée,et al.
The Log Pearson type 3 distribution and its application in hydrology