Annual Normalized Difference Vegetation Index time-series data for Australian statistical areas

Google Earth Engine provides researchers with a platform for conducting planetary scale analysis of environmental processes and landcover change, both by providing the necessary tools and by handling the large quantities of data these analyses require. The most widely used moderate-resolution sensors, onboard the Landsat satellite platforms, often require pre-processing to prepare the data for analysis. This data set consists of Australia-wide Landsat derived Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values for the years 2001-2019. The median annual NDVI value for each Statistical Area 1 (SA1) and Statistical Area 2 (SA2) were calculated, and statistics for this imagery is provided in a tabular format. The accompanying Google Earth Engine script applies the pre-processing steps required to account for sensor, solar and atmospheric effects, improving continuity between imagery across space and time and therefore, will enable researchers beyond the remote sensing community to access analysis-ready imagery for the moderate resolution Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite platforms.