Long term survival following orthotopic liver transplantation in pigs; with special reference to gastric ulcer complications.
A series of 56 orthotopic liver transplantations performed on pigs surviving more than three days is presented. No immunosuppressive agents were given. During life serial liver biopsies and liver function tests were performed. A 30% mortality rate (17 animals) due to gastric ulcer complications was observed. Rejection, as the sole cause of death, was seen in 12 animals; in nine of these a fulminant rejection caused death within 6 to 10 days after transplantation. Five animals died between seven and 60 days because of small bowel obstruction. The occurrence of gastric ulceration complicated by haemorrhage or perforation is not related to morphological and biochemical parameters while biliary drainage patency does not prevent gastric ulceration haemorrhage. Gastric ulceration can occur at any time postoperatively and seems to be unrelated to the liver transplantation itself.