20.7 A 13.8µW binaural dual-microphone digital ANSI S1.11 filter bank for hearing aids with zero-short-circuit-current logic in 65nm CMOS

This paper presents an ANSI S1.11 1/3-octave filter-bank chip for binaural hearing aids with two microphones per ear. Binaural multimicrophone systems significantly suppress noise interference and preserve interaural time cues at the cost of significantly higher computational and power requirements than monophonic single-microphone systems. With clock rates around the 1MHz mark, these systems are ideal candidates for low-power implementation through charge-recovery design. At such low clock frequencies, however, charge-recovery logic suffers from short-circuit currents that limit its theoretical energy efficiency [1]. The chip described in this paper is designed in 65nm CMOS using a new charge-recovery logic, called zero-short-circuit-current (ZSCC) logic, that drastically reduces short-circuit current. It processes 4 input streams at 1.75MHz with a charge recovery rate of 92%, achieving 9.7× lower power per input compared with the 40nm monophonic single-input chip that represents the published state of the art [2].