구름위의 건축 : 펜트하우스의 평면계획특성에 관한 연구

The term penthouse with its connotations of wealth, privilege, central location, and exclusive views, evokes dramatic form of architecture and a journey to creative spaces in the sky. The purpose of this study is to establish an architectural typology of penthouse apartments in early period based on their spacial and formal characteristics. The study has been focused on the followings: Firstly, the definition of penthouse in terms of etymology, encyclopedia, and history of architecture. Secondly, general trends of early penthouse apartments in the city of New York. Thirdly, spacial characteristics in the planning of penthouse apartments. During the decade in the early 1920's penthouse apartments were truly palatial. Various ways of configuration of spaces had been attempted with roof gardens and terraces. Simplex, duplex, triplex, and fourplex are four major types of penthouse apartments based on the number of floors occupied. Most of the cases, interior space of penthouse apartment had three distinctive areas such as living quarters, sleeping quarters, and service quarters.