Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4

Journal of Operational Oceanography Volume 13 Supplement 1 September 2020 CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction and the European Environment policy framework s1 1.1 Introduction and main outcomes Karina...

Veselka Marinova | Mathieu Vrac | Bertrand Chapron | Paolo Lazzari | Alexis Mouche | Nadia Pinardi | Alejandro Orfila | Urmas Raudsepp | Joanna Staneva | Lorenzo Corgnati | Carlo Mantovani | Julien Mader | Antoine Mangin | Laurent Bertino | Simona Masina | Annalisa Griffa | Pablo Lorente | Ananda Pascual | Glenn Nolan | Yves Quilfen | Owen Embury | Joaquín Tintoré | Gavin H. Tilstone | Baptiste Mourre | Lotfi Aouf | Samuel Djavidnia | Neville Smith | Rivo Uiboupin | Eric Greiner | Cosimo Solidoro | Marcello G. Magaldi | Marcos García Sotillo | Cristina Toledano | Roland Aznar | Bruno Levier | Giorgio Bolzon | Florent Gasparin | Enrico Zambianchi | Simon A. Good | Stéphane Isoard | Luis Ferrer | Anna Rubio | Stefano Ciavatta | Marilaure Grégoire | Manuel García León | Pierre-Marie Poulain | Pierpaolo Falco | Andrea Ghermandi | Pierre-Yves Le Traon | Shubha Sathyendranath | Gilles Garric | Marion Gehlen | Coralie Perruche | Vladyslav Lyubartsev | O. Zielinski | Emil V. Stanev | Signe Aaboe | Jun She | Richard Renshaw | Karina von Schuckmann | Jean-Pierre Gattuso | Enrique Álvarez Fanjul | T. H. Badewien | Arno Behrens | Maristella Berta | Jeremy Blackford | Federica Borile | Marine Bretagnon | Robert J.W. Brewin | Donata Canu | Paola Cessi | Thi Tuyet Trang Chau | Frédéric Chevallier | Boriana Chtirkova | Stefania Ciliberti | James R. Clark | Emanuela Clementi | Clément Combot | Eric Comerma | Anna Conchon | Giovanni Coppini | Gianpiero Cossarini | Sophie Cravatte | Marta de Alfonso | Clément de Boyer Montégut | Christian De Lera Fernández | Francisco Javier de los Santos | Anna Denvil-Sommer | Álvaro de Pascual Collar | Paulo Alonso Lourenco Dias Nunes | Valeria Di Biagio | Massimiliano Drudi | Odile Fanton d’Andon | David Ford | H. Freund | José María García-Valdecasas | Philippe Garnesson | Ana Genua-Olmedo | Gerhard Geyer | Jérôme Gourrion | Manuel González | Ismael Hernández-Carrasco | John J. Kennedy | Susan Kay | Anton Korosov | Kaari Laanemäe | Peter E. Land | Thomas Lavergne | Jean-François Legeais | Benedicte Lemieux | William Llovel | Vidar S. Lien | Leonardo Lima | Ilja Maljutenko | Elena Mauri | J. Meyerjürgens | Alexandre Mignot | Robert McEwan | Carlos Mejia | Angélique Melet | Milena Menna | Benoît Meyssignac | Malte Müller | Giulio Notarstefano | Silvia Pardo | Elisaveta Peneva | Begoña Pérez-Gómez | Monika Peterlin | Adèle Révelard | Emma Reyes-Reyes | M. Ricker | Pablo Rodríguez-Rubio | Paz Rotllán | Eva Royo Gelabert | Inmaculada Ruiz-Parrado | Andrea Storto | Jian Su | Tayebeh Tajalli Bakhsh | Jean Tournadre | Benoit Tranchant | Arnaud Valcarcel | Nadezhda Valcheva | Nathalie Verbrugge | J.-O. Wolff | Ann-Sofie Zinck | Serena Zunino | C. Mejia | J. Kennedy | B. Mourre | M. Gehlen | S. Ciavatta | G. Cossarini | D. Ford | M. Grégoire | C. Perruche | T. Lavergne | J. Gattuso | F. Chevallier | U. Raudsepp | M. Drudi | Y. Quilfen | B. Chapron | J. Tournadre | A. Mouche | E. Zambianchi | S. Sathyendranath | A. Mangin | B. Meyssignac | L. Aouf | A. Pascual | M. Vrac | P. Poulain | A. Griffa | S. Isoard | E. Mauri | A. Conchon | Manuel González | P. Land | A. Orfila | J. Tintoré | Laurent Bertino | N. Pinardi | S. Masina | E. Stanev | B. Lemieux | A. Ghermandi | A. Mignot | V. Lien | J. Blackford | S. Kay | E. Comerma | O. Embury | A. Melet | E. Greiner | A. Storto | H. Freund | J. Staneva | J. Wolff | G. Garric | G. Coppini | E. Gelabert | J. Gourrion | S. Cravatte | R. Mcewan | A. Korosov | C. Solidoro | K. von Schuckmann | N. Smith | S. Djavidnia | G. Nolan | S. Aaboe | E. Fanjul | A. Behrens | E. Clementi | L. Corgnati | M. Sotillo | P. Garnesson | F. Gasparin | J. Legeais | J. Mader | I. Maljutenko | Carlo Mantovani | Malte Müller | G. Notarstefano | R. Renshaw | A. Rubió | J. She | G. Tilstone | B. Tranchant | R. Uiboupin | R. Brewin | O. F. d'Andon | M. Bretagnon | P. Le Traon | Roland Aznar | S. Ciliberti | M. de Alfonso | Álvaro de Pascual Collar | S. Good | B. Levier | V. Marinova | E. Peneva | N. Verbrugge | O. Zielinski | M. Magaldi | Clément Combot | T. Badewien | Anna Denvil-Sommer | D. Canu | Jian Su | L. Ferrer | P. Lorente | M. Menna | J. Meyerjürgens | M. Berta | M. Peterlin | P. Lazzari | P. Falco | W. Llovel | T. T. Bakhsh | G. Bolzon | Valeria Di Biagio | Begoña Pérez-Gómez | P. Cessi | M. Ricker | L. Lima | A. Révelard | Cristina Toledano | Nadezhda Valcheva | Paz Rotllán | S. Pardo | B. Chtirkova | A. Zinck | Serena Zunino | Ana Genua‐Olmedo | V. Lyubartsev | F. J. de los Santos | P. Rodríguez-Rubio | C. de Boyer Montégut | J. Clark | C. Mantovani | M. G. León | G. Geyer | I. Hernández‐Carrasco | J. García-Valdecasas | Federica Borile | Christian De Lera Fernández | Kaari Laanemäe | E. Reyes-Reyes | Inmaculada Ruiz-Parrado | A. Valcarcel | Owen Embury

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