On Propagation Properties of Beacon Based Localization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

2 Abstract: In Wireless sensor network (WSN), nodes must be equipped with the feature to self-localize, especially in scenarios where nodes cannot be manually positioned. Localization awareness can enable or benefit a vast array of applications, including intruder detection, tracking physical phenomena, healthcare monitoring and emergency services. Motivated from the results of previous studies, this paper investigates the propagation behavior of beacon based localization using ultra wideband (UWB) based communication systems in WSN. We have designed a beacon-based localization protocol (BBLP) and our experimental results provides the evidence for characterizing the convergence latency and communication cost related to node localization. Through simulation results, we show the effect of location propagation whatever the network size may be. The aim of this paper is to help the researchers in designing the WSNs with appropriate node and network parameters.