Coordination of a power exchange between a consumer and a supply network using energy demand / energy production forecasts

The invention relates to a method for coordinating a power exchange to a power transmission connection (4) between a disposable unit (1) and a power supply network (2). By an energy management device (7) of the consuming unit (1) is determined a historical component-specific load profile (23) of components (9-12) of the consuming unit (1) and there are historical values ​​(21) determined at least one environmental parameter (16-18) , It seeks to provide a long-term energy demand forecast for the consumption unit (1). With the component-specific load profiles (23) and the historical values ​​(21) is configured a model (31). For a future time interval (29) future values ​​(30) of the environment parameters (16-18, 25) estimated and on the basis of the estimated values ​​(30) by means of the model (31) located on the power transmission connection (4) Resulting power exchange for the time interval (29) simulates. On the basis of the simulated power interchange a specific consumer-load profile (6) on a communication interface (15) is provided.